Monday, December 14, 2009

'Tis the jingle season

I have been following the development of GM's new electric vehicle (ever since I watched "who killed the electric car?") and have stumbled upon this video

Now I will agree with the general public that this is not great, but I don't think it ranks as one of humanity's great tragedies. I almost kind of liked it. Let's hope GM doesn't completely evaporate before this is released.

P.S. Here's a link to youtube's tragedy/triumph as requested by Ruby.

I feel like I had a full length version of that video one my pc once.


  1. I like when he makes the V with his legs.

  2. What are humanity's great tragedies, youtube-wise? I must know.

  3. Aicha Aicha. But I suppose it's one of those tragedies where one's dedication and persistence in the face of a fail is somewhat inspiring

  4. Oh my GOD. I can't believe I forgot about that wondrous video. "She moves how???" and "I dunooooooo, I dunoooooooo" and that amazing little dance he does!

  5. wow, this is amazing. I mean the song that sounds like a parody of itself and the laker girls cleverly disguised in american apparel tights-- marketing environmentally conscious living like a bad open mic night/ frat boy love child... yet without the slightest indication of irony. it boggles my mind.

  6. Great comments all around. Thanks, friends.
