Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm reinventing myself... again

Yes I cared for you in the beginning
But it's simply not the case anymore
Now that you've hurt my last feeling
I see through your shit like never before

Sure I can't quite say that I'm over it
What with this poem being here and all
But don't think that I'm throwing a fit
To get attention or get you to call

I'm merely trying to put thoughts to words
Something each of us should learn to do
If Blobby was here, we'd put them to chords
Nothing like a song to say we're through

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

End of life planning

End of life planning makes sense when you're old and/or sick, right?  And I think most of you (out of 1.5 or so people reading this) are supporters of palliative care and potentially assisted suicide.   What if we just tire of living? Isn't that as valid a reason as any?

And if so, how do we approach it? Futurama envisioned suicide booths on every corner, but perhaps we can be more tasteful than that.  Maybe our mental health care system would benefit if patients were allowed to discuss these options.  David Foster Wallace may have had a less tragic end.